Book 2: The Ultimate Enlightenment For 2012: All We Need Is Ourselves

NOMINATED FOR THE ALLBOOKS REVIEW INTERNATIONAL BEST INSPIRATIONAL BOOK OF 2011 SYNOPSIS Caught up in the web of competition, greed, jealousy, envy and hate, we have been lost to ourselves for a very long time. We have completely forgotten who we are. We have forgotten how to celebrate the expanse and greatness of all life. As we awaken and become more aware, our life is filled with the vibrations of love, peace, joy, wisdom and harmony. As one both experiences and emanates these vibrations, one discovers who they really are. As the spark of Divine Love begins to flame within each individual soul, it grows in intensity until completely embracing that which is life. It becomes one’s birthright, henceforth, to be happy, and, in so doing, to provide an atmosphere of...