Book 27: Becoming the Master Magician of Your Life: Book Two

SYNOPSIS As the creator of your life, you are the master of your own reality. To live a fully intentional life, as a Master, all of the choices and decisions that you make must be aligned with the core of who you are. In essence, magic can be described as changing reality in accordance to comply with your will, your love and your imagination (words attributed to Suzanne Hosang) meaning that magic is all about using your intention to create something that you want, to create something that you desire. The moment you accept, and acknowledge, that you are the creator of your reality, that you create everything in your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, you have embraced the ethical code of the Magician. This is the moment wherein you welcome the fact that you are in...

Book 26: Muggle Born: Becoming the Master Magician of Your Life: Book One

SYNOPSIS Knowing that you create with every breath that you take, whether you believe this to be true or not, it is imperative that you learn to create from a conscious (awakened) and deliberate state of existence. As the Magician, you possess the ultimate level of control over your life and the events within. It is the Magician that takes responsibility for who he/she is and what he/she can do. You are comprised of the very same energy that permeates the entirety of the universe; this is the energy, the power, the force, that you have available to you. Becoming a Magician is about shaping your life consciously and with loving intent. Courtesy of the reading of this first book, you will be able to glean the necessary tools to assist with understanding the world...

Book 25: Mary Magdalene: A Personal Connection

SYNOPSIS During the time of Jesus, there was every reason to believe that, according to his teachings and within his own inner circle, women were uniquely empowered as fully equal. It was not until the fourth century that the church was on its way to understanding itself in opposition to women. The early image of Mary Magdalene as a trusted apostle of Jesus proved to be a major obstacle to establishing male dominance. As a result, she was simply recast, courtesy of Pope Gregory in 591 AD, as the repentant sinner, the prostitute, the whore, the harlot, wherein the emphasis on sexuality, as the root of all evil, further served to subordinate all women; an ingenious idea, an even more lucrative plan. Based on the inner reflection of this inquisitive author, Mary...

Book 24: Ad Infinitum: Unchanging and Forevermore

SYNOPSIS A tome that delves into both incarnation (the process whereby the non-physical essence of Source is invested with physical form; a union of the physical plane (of existence) with the non-physical) as well as reincarnation (the re-cycling of this non-physical essence into different physical forms, different time periods and different roles, in order to experience all forms of materiality, to understand each thoroughly, and to learn how to manipulate, and maintain, these forms in balance and harmony), each is the sum total of past experiences, from various perspectives, over eons of existence. Ad Infinitum: Unchanging and Forevermore is a love story involving Ysabeau and Ghislain, twin souls who are successful in finding each other in the physical arena of...

Book 23 Living The ED Principles

SYNOPSIS What are the ED Principles, you ask? In a nutshell, E directs us to expect the best, while D reminds us that we deserve the best. It becomes imperative, then, that we continue to employ these very principles throughout our lives. All of the belief systems that program us from birth to the present moment have shaped who we are and what we know. Through genetic, environmental and mass-mind programming, we have absorbed an immense amount of external direction and control without consciously realizing it. To escape from the duality thinking, negativity, and fear based beliefs of our old patterning, we must energetically reprogram our minds. To be successful in this important, and necessary, endeavor, we must learn how to bypass the conscious mind in order to...

Book 22: The Cosmos of The Soul II: Messages

SYNOPSIS First came The Cosmos of the Soul: A Spiritual Biography in 2011, a book that highlighted this author’s journey of awakening. In the 2014 sequel, The Cosmos of the Soul II: Messages, author Michele Doucette begins by emphasizing the importance of the miracle of the breath in conjunction with proper breathing techniques (and their value to the whole person); thereafter, she proceeds to focus on 33 vital messages imperative to the spiritual wellbeing of every reader. Based on personal experience, this easy to read and excellently researched and referenced text presents the reader with a welcomed mélange of methods and techniques that can be used to reconfigure one’s subconscious mind. It is her contention that anyone following these methods will be better...