Book 27: Becoming the Master Magician of Your Life: Book Two


As the creator of your life, you are the master of your own reality. To live a fully intentional life, as a Master, all of the choices and decisions that you make must be aligned with the core of who you are.

In essence, magic can be described as changing reality in accordance to comply with your will, your love and your imagination (words attributed to Suzanne Hosang) meaning that magic is all about using your intention to create something that you want, to create something that you desire.

The moment you accept, and acknowledge, that you are the creator of your reality, that you create everything in your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, you have embraced the ethical code of the Magician.

This is the moment wherein you welcome the fact that you are in a powerful position to change whatever it is that you do not like about your current life. Of course, so, too, does this mean that you must be willing to embrace change, otherwise life becomes stagnant, boring, dull.

Courtesy of the reading of this second book, filled with both I AM statements, as well as I AM affirmations, that have significantly impacted my life, I trust that you will begin to see new opportunities, new possibilities, new potentialities for living a totally magical life.

As Lao Tzu shares, If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. Truly the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

In continuation, Mary Engelbreit says, If you don’t like something change it, if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.

It is Michele, herself, who writes, As a Magician, you have the power, and the energy, to create a new life cycle for yourself.

This book not only gifts us with the needed tools, so that we may grow and become our Authentic Selves, so, too, is the book a powerful tool unto itself.

As I read through each affirmation, and each I AM, I could feel my world shifting, I could feel myself healing, becoming lighter and brighter. This book contains the most powerful, and truest, words that I have come across in a very long time. As you delve into this book, know that you are embarking on a path of higher living, that you are letting yourself be healed; of course, such a process needs to be worked at, but this book is the key to beginning, to becoming and BEing that person you are meant to be.

I have so much gratitude to Michele Doucette for writing this book, for sharing her light and healing with us. Read it. Share the wealth of what is contained within. Begin BEing who you were (are) meant to be. Muggle Born: Becoming The Master Magician Of You Life: Book Two is truly one of the most powerful books I have had the pleasure to read, thereby making it MUST READ for all who are on a path of growth and illumination.

Suzi Cullen

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