Portals of Spirit

Archive for May, 2013

Books: Divine Feminine

There was a time when women were honored and revered, possessing mystical and sacred gifts (balance and healing, renewal and restoration, intuition and creativity, love and compassion).   In addition, they were seen as being the bringers of life.   As the world changed, we began to explore human life through a masculine-centric lens of action, involving focus, action and physical strength; as […]

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The Chakras

The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Each chakra vibrates or rotates at a different speed. Each chakra is stimulated by its own color.  The size and brightness of the wheels vary with individual development, physical condition, energy levels, disease, or stress. If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies […]

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The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about the years leading up to, and beyond, 2012 as being a time of great change and transformation; a time that will initiate the appearance of a new human on the planet (Homo-luminous), a Being of Light, consciously connected to the matrix of life; a person of wisdom […]

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My Take on Planetary Magnetics

The earth is surrounded by its own magnetic field.  It is this magnetic field that forms a shield, protecting the surface of the planet from energetic charged particles coming from the sun and elsewhere.  The sun is constantly sending out charged particles, called solar wind.  When this solar wind interacts with our planetary magnetic field, […]

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Darkness: A Most Powerful Catalyst

The darkness is a most powerful catalyst. This is something that must be reconciled within each and everyone. There are many feelings and emotions that find their root in the dark, those that you have come to know as fear, rage, anger, hate, jealousy, depression, control, violation, incest, suspicion, denial, pain, judgment, illness, disease, death, […]

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Compassionate Allowing

In our ability to express forgiveness, allowing others the outcome of their own experiences, without changing the nature of who we truly are, this is the highest level of mastery to which all can attain, for therein lies the healing of all illusion, all separation, all duality.   Excerpted from A TRAVEL IN TIME TO […]

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Walking With Peace Mantra

The mantras come from four languages – English, Sanskrit, Arabic, and Hebrew. They are the words for peace in the 5 major spiritual traditions ofthe world: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Peace (English) Om Shanti (Sanskrit) (oh-mmm shahn-tee) Salaam (Arabic) (saw-lah-mmm) Shalom (Hebrew) (shaw-low-mmm) There is a particular cadence or pace at which the […]

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Spirituality versus Religion

Spirituality says that God is within each of us and we don’t need anyone else to make that Divine Connection for us.  Religion says that we are separated from God and that we need them to make the Divine Connection for us. Spirituality says that we are free to make choices on our own and […]

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Native American Quero Apache Tradition: Wisdom of the Eagle

In times when we need comfort or empowerment, people have often turned to Eagle, the majestic bird of clear sight and power, for reassurance. These words from the Native American Quero Apache tradition offer us ways of being in harmony with our lives and with the universe through the wisdom of Eagle. You can use […]

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Religion and Spirituality

I believe there is an important distinction to be made between religion and spirituality. Religion I take to be concerned with belief in the claims to salvation of one faith tradition or another – an aspect of which is acceptance of some form of meta-physical or philosophical reality, including perhaps an idea of heaven or […]

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