Book 23 Living The ED Principles


What are the ED Principles, you ask?

In a nutshell, E directs us to expect the best, while D reminds us that we deserve the best. It becomes imperative, then, that we continue to employ these very principles throughout our lives.

All of the belief systems that program us from birth to the present moment have shaped who we are and what we know. Through genetic, environmental and mass-mind programming, we have absorbed an immense amount of external direction and control without consciously realizing it. To escape from the duality thinking, negativity, and fear based beliefs of our old patterning, we must energetically reprogram our minds.

To be successful in this important, and necessary, endeavor, we must learn how to bypass the conscious mind in order to reprogram our false and outdated beliefs. A cornucopia of positive assistance, achieving these results is well presented in Living The ED Principles.

A Great Read

Living The ED Principles is a book that is filled with life affirming information, techniques and practices that show one how to escape from the duality thinking, negativity, and fear based beliefs of our old patterning we must all energetically reprogram our minds.

Through the practice of mindfulness, meditation, visualization, thought field therapy and many others, we learn how to bypass the conscious mind in order to reprogram our false and out dated beliefs.

I highly recommend this carefully researched and well written book. Within its covers, an inspiring treasury of life coaching material can be discovered. Each and every chapter will assist us on our journey toward a more rewarding and fulfilling existence.

Mary Mageau

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